10 Best Exercises to Transform Your Body for Life

Read the best 10 exercises you could ever do. Put them together into a routine and you have a workout that is uncomplicated, yet effective and promise

We realize that it is beneficial to exercise daily in order to gain the best of health. But with such seemingly infinite supply of choices and information it is equally as confusing with what works. But not to worry. You’re not alone, we’ve got you covered all over your whole body and frame.

Read the best 10 exercises you could ever do. Put them together into a routine and you have a workout that is uncomplicated, yet effective and promises to keep your body shape for the rest of your life.
best workouts

1. Lunges

To some extent, it is incredibly important to challenge your balance to ensure it is part of your exercise regime. Lunges do just that as far as the kinetic chain is concerned while at the same time enhancing the overall strength within you legs and gluteal muscles.


  • To start, you might want to stand with your feet apart at a comfortable distance from each other or shoulder width distance and your arms hanging by your side.
  • Properly position your feet by taking one step forward with your right leg and bend your right knee to as far as you can, with your right thigh level to the floor. Make sure that your right knee does not go beyond the right foot.
  • Now, push up off your right foot and get back to an upright position just like you started. Repeat with your left leg. This is one rep.
  • Complete 3 sets of 10 reps.

2. Pushups

Drop and give me 20! Pushups are amongst the simplest yet most efficient of all the bodyweight exercises because as many muscles are involved to produce them.


  • Start in a plank position. This position your tummy is contracted and your lower back flat, your shoulders are drawn down and back, and your head is balanced on top of your spine.
  • Flex your elbows down towards the floor and slowly spherical down. On contact with your chest touch the bar, bend your elbows and get back to the squat position. Make sure to control and try to draw your elbows in toward your body during the overall exercise.
  • Perform 3 sets of random reps.

3. Squats

It tones up your lower body muscles, and those of your abdomen, and helps to stretch muscles at the back and along the thighs, hence strengthening those parts of your body. Cycling some of the biggest muscles in the body they are also a calorie blasting workout powerhouse.


  • Begin with erect posture and your legs apart, much wider than your shoulder width, with both your hands hanging beside your body.
  • Quarter your abs and with the chest and chin up, move your hips backward and bend the knees as if about to sit on a chair.
  • Make sure your knees do not knock, crouch down until your thighs are horizontal to the floor, and place your arms in front of you in the most relaxed manner. Stop for one second and then flex your legs before getting back to the initial position.
  • Complete 3 sets of 20 reps.

4. Dumbbell bench press

Gym Going for compound exercises which involve more than one joint and muscles are suitable for busy bees since they make many body parts get worked during a particular exercise. The standing overhead press is one of the best shoulder exercise, which can also be regarded as the upper back and also works the core.

Dumbbell bench press

Equipment: 10-pound dumbbells

    • You will need a lighter barbell for these exercises — we suggest starting off with 10-pound weights — and you may choose to stand with your feet apart or crossed. Lift the weights overhead to bring your upper arm next to your sides with palms facing down.
    • The shoulders must be held in the exact position against the back in order to brace their core before they push themselves up until their arms are fully drawn outward in the opposite direction, above their heads. For example, to see your friend clearly you should not move your head or the neck.
    • Upon pausing, slowly bring your elbows down, keeping the upper portion of the weight back down directly parallel with the floor again.
    • Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.

    5. Dumbbell rows

    These will not only help you get that perfect look for your back in that dress but also a dumbbell row is another compound exercise that helps build multiple back muscles at once. Pick a dumbbell of a medium weight and make certain that you are pinching at the level of the top phase.

    Dumbbell rows

    Equipment: 10-pound dumbbells
    • Initiate from standing hold two different dumbbell at both hand side. For learners, then the recommended amount of weights should not exceed 10 pounds.
    • To do this effectively, the back should be parallel to the floor leaning forward at about 45 degrees to the ground. Remember not to hump your back. Drop your arms at your sides. Make sure your neck is aligned with your back, and it is also valuable to have your stomach muscles tensed up.
    • With the weight in the palm of your dominant hand, begin by raising it above your head, but over your right shoulder, bend your right elbow and pull the weight straight up towards the chest, using and clearly involving the lat, as far as just below the chest level.
    • Come back to the same starting position and perform the same with the Reverse Side of the top arm. This is one rep. You should do 10 sets for 3 sessions.

    6. Single-leg deadlifts

    This is another exercise that is balanced you. Often called the SDL, single-leg deadlifts involve balance and leg muscles. Use a light to moderate dumbbell to finish this exercise.

    Single-leg deadlifts

    Equipment: dumbbell

    • Start the exercise with your start standing positioning a dumbbell in your right hand, and bending your knees.
    • Bend at the hip joint, exhaling as you start to smoothly sweep your left leg backward behind you and let the dumbbell descend down to the floor.
    • Lower yourself until you feel you’ve reached the left leg’s comfortable height, carefully and slowly get back to the initial standing position while Arching the right glute. During the performance of the movement try to maintain a position whereby your pelvis does not rotate towards the side of the leg that is at the back.
    • Continuing with the set do 10 to 12 repetitions before switching the weight to the left hand and performing the same type of reps on the left leg. When it comes to exercises on the machine it is recommended that one does 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions for each side.

    7. Burpees

    The second exercise on this list of 12 is an exercise that we know is good for us, but we don’t like it one bit: burpees are a complete body exercise that has a great return on investment for cardiovascular work and muscle strengthening.


    • The exercise begins with the subject standing tall with feet positioned approximately one’s shoulder width apart and the lower limbs by the sides of the body.
    • With your arms now out in front of you, bend your knees and lower your body until your legs are half bent. When your hands are flat on the ground jump your legs back to a pushup position.
    • Swing your legs up to your hands by bending at the waste. Move your feet as close to your hands so that your hands can encompass them, if not then land your feet outside your hands.
    • Stand up tall with your fingers interlaced at the top, and then leap.
    • This is one rep. A beginner should do 3 sets of 10 reps.

    8. Side planks

    Obviously, any well-built body should have a perfect foundation, which is why it is unadvisable to completely rule out movements such as the side plank.

    Side planks

    Remember to synchronize between your mind and the muscles to make sure you doing correct exercise when performing this move.

    • Lay on your right side now your left leg and foot are positioned on top of your right leg and foot. Support your upper part of your body by laying your right forearm on the ground with your elbow perpendicular to your shoulders.
    • Succinct your abdominal muscles to bring your spine in a rigid position and bring your hips and knees toward the floor creating a straight line with your body.
    • Next, to return to the start in a controlled manner they must add them as a prop. This exercise should be done for 3 sets of 10–15 reps on one side then flip over.

    9. Planks

    Planks are an efficient type of exercises that not only work the abdominal muscles but it works out the total body. Unlike the situps or crunches that could put pressure to your back, planking is a perfect core body exercise that strengthens muscles in your abdomen without putting pressure to your back.


    • Pushups should be started off in the prone position where the hand, toe, and base of the spine should be touching the floor and where your back has to be straight and your belly button sucked in.
    • Your chin should be slightly pulled down and your sight to a level just above your hand.
    • That is why take a deep, controlled breath while tensing every muscle of your body, including abs, shoulders, triceps, glutes and quads.
    • Beginners must perform two to three sets of 30 seconds hold to begin with.

    10. Glute bridge

    The glute bridge actually engages your whole posterior chain – which, let’s face it, is not just good for you, but it’ll make your butt look higher, too.

    Glute bridge

    • The first position requires you to assume a high plank position, resting your knees on the floor, your feet flat on the floor and push up with your arms at your sides and palms positioned downwards.
    • Using your toes, push through your heels, while this will make your hips leave the ground, use your abdominal muscles, glutes, and hamstrings. Your upper back and your shoulders should still be touching the ground and from your belly button down to the knees your body should form a straight line.
    • At the top, it’s important to pause for about 1–2 seconds and then coming back to the starting position.
    • Full 10–12 reps for 3 sets.

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